Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 2

So, I made a post for day one but that one got deleted since my lovely page decided to shut down randomly.  So I will give you the gist of what it said. 1,800 calories for yesterday. I am going to not be too hard on myself for most of my eating habits because I am trying to work more on becoming consistent on exercising. I worked out for about 40 minutes. 30 minutes on treadmill and 10 on the Stair Stepper. Stair Stepper owns my ass for some reason. Lol. Hopefully it will get easier. :)
   So my main goals is to first get exercise a consistent thing for at least five days a week 30 minutes minimum. I will go no more than 1,800 calories a day. I want to eventually work that down to 1,500 after a week of 1,800/max. My eventual caloric intake goal is between 1,000-1,300/max. :D I am sure I can accomplish that after a few weeks. I have to take this easy because I already know that pushing myself too hard will only result in my giving up and eating a lot and not exercising, namely, FAILURE.  I can NOT fail. I WILL NOT FAIL. I WILL BE THIN.

Oh, today I did not exercise, it is a rest day. Tomorrow though, I will workout for sure. Wish me luck! Today's calories are around 1,770. :/ It'll work I guess. Better than 2-3,000 binges.

 Chin up...

Thursday, December 9, 2010



For now you may call me C.M. This blog will be about my personal struggle against eating, exercise, food, responsibility for my actions, and ultimately myself.  I will try to post daily my intake, how I was feeling throughout the day as I ate and with people in my life, and my out take, if there was any for that day. I will try not to be hard on myself, but no promises.

    Also, the pictures I post in here will never be me, but things I found on other sites such as xanga blogs, blogger blogs (lol), and many on tumblr profiles. If I post any of myself I will note them immediately.